how to use midjourney on discord

How to use midjourney on discord?

Midjourney is a versatile Discord bot designed to enhance your server’s functionality. Whether you’re a server admin or a member, here’s how to use Midjourney effectively.

Inviting Midjourney to Your Discord Server

To harness the power of Midjourney, you’ll need to invite it to your Discord server. Follow these steps:

  1. Access Discord Developer Portal: Head over to the Discord Developer Portal.
  2. Create a New Application: Click on “New Application” and give it a name.
  3. Select “Bot”: In your application settings, select “Bot” and click on “Add Bot.”
  4. Token Generation: Under the “Token” section, click “Copy” to copy your bot’s token.
  5. Invite Link: Scroll down to the “OAuth2” section. In the “Scopes” section, select “bot.” Then, in the “Bot Permissions” section, choose the permissions your bot will need. Afterward, copy the generated invite link.
  6. Invite Midjourney: Paste the invite link into your web browser. You’ll be prompted to select a server to invite Midjourney.
  7. Authorize Access: Authorize Midjourney to access your server, and you’re all set.

Configuring Midjourney

Now that Midjourney is part of your server, it’s time to configure its settings to suit your needs. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prefix Setup: You can customize Midjourney’s prefix by typing !prefix followed by your desired prefix.
  2. Command List: Access Midjourney’s list of commands by typing !help.

Exploring Key Midjourney Features

Midjourney offers an array of features to streamline your Discord experience. Let’s take a closer look at some of the most valuable ones.

Moderation Tools

  1. Kick and Ban: Keep your server safe by using the !kick and !ban commands.
  2. Mute: Quiet disruptive members with the !mute command.


  1. Welcome Messages: Create warm welcomes with the !welcome command.
  2. Auto Roles: Assign roles automatically with the !autorole command.

Fun and Games

  1. Trivia: Spice up your server with fun trivia using the !trivia command.
  2. 8-Ball: Seek answers to pressing questions with the !8ball command.


  1. Weather Forecast: Check the weather using the !weather command.
  2. Convert Currency: Get real-time currency conversion with the !convert command.

Troubleshooting and Support

Should you encounter any issues or need assistance, here’s how to get help:

  1. Bot Documentation: Refer to Midjourney’s official documentation for in-depth guides.
  2. Server Support: Many servers have dedicated channels for bot support, so check your server’s available resources.
  3. Contact Developers: Reach out to the developers for specific inquiries or feedback.


With Midjourney at your disposal, your Discord server can become more engaging and efficient than ever. Master its features, tailor it to your needs, and enjoy a seamless Discord experience.

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